// fancybox
if($(window).width() >= 768){
$('a.thumb[href$=.png], a.thumb[href$=.jpg], a.thumb[href$=.gif]').fancybox({
'titleShow': false
, 'transitionIn': 'elastic'
, 'transitionOut': 'elastic'
// scrolling
var nav = $('#topbar') // nav element
, navY = nav.offset().top // default position
, navHeight = nav.height() * 2 // nav height for calculating offsets
, navLinks = nav.find('a[href^="#"]') // on-page links in nav
, pageHeight = $('body').height()
, sections = $('article[role=main]').find('section').reverse() // reversed set of nav sections
, scrollPos = $(window).scrollTop(); // where are we on the page?
scrollPos = $(this).scrollTop();
// get the active nav item
if(scrollPos < 30){
if(scrollPos + navHeight >= $(this).offset().top){
navLinks.filter('a[href=#' + $(this).attr('id') + ']').addClass('active');
return false;
// scrollTo on nav click
var destination = $( $(this).attr('href') ).offset().top,
// have we taken the nav out of flow? offset by navHeight if so
if(destination > navY){
destination -= navHeight;
// distance to scroll as a percent of total height of page
distance = Math.abs((scrollPos - destination) / pageHeight);
// sqrt the distance to compress the difference a bit
// otherwise, short distances will appear to scroll too fast, long ones too slowly
// goal is to feel as 'proportional' as possible without actual linearity
// this is based on a 1s scroll time for the whole page, adjust as needed
$(window).scrollTo(destination, Math.sqrt(distance) * 1000, {
easing: 'swing'
//set active state on domready
// update anything that could be affected by image heights
navY = nav.offset().top;
pageHeight = $('body').height();
if(evt.clientY < 30){
} // window constraint