The SOLID design principles, articulated by Robert “Uncle Bob” Martin, are five principles that provide a good foundation for sound application design. The five principles are:
- S (Single Responsibility Principle)
- O (Open/Closed Principle)
- L (Liskov Substitution Principle)
- I (Interface Segregation Principle)
- D (Dependency Inversion Principle)
Single Responsibility Principle
A class (or unit of code) should have one responsibility.
// MVC class Controller {} class Model {} class View {} // In this case, we want to validate something before storing it. // Don't try to validate anything directly in Controller, Model or View ...etc. It will make them dirty. // Just make Validation class and use it in those classes. class Validation {} |
Open/Closed Principle
A class should be open for extension but closed for modification.
You can extend a class or implement and interface, but you should not be able to modify a class directly. This means you should extend a class and use the new extension rather than change a class directly.
Additionally, this means setting class attributes and methods as private or protected properly so they cannot be modified by external code.

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class ValidationModel { protected $rules; protected $messages; private $fields; private $validator; public function __construct( array $attributes = array() ) { $this->fields = $attributes; } public function passes() { $this->validator = Validator::make( $this->rules, $this->fields, $this->messages ); if( $this->validator->isFail() ) { return $this->validator->messages()->first(); } return true; } } class LoginValidationModel extends ValidationModel { protected $rules = array( 'id' => 'required|min:5', 'password' => 'required|min:8' ); protected $messages = array( 'id.required' => 'ID is required for login.', 'id.min' => 'ID must be at least five characters.' ); } class RegisterValidationModel extends ValidationModel { // ... } |
Liskov Substitution Principle
Objects in a program should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering the correctness of that program.
In PHP, this often means creating interfaces for your code to implement. You can then change (switch-out) implementations of the interfaces, Doing so should be possible without having to change how your application code interacts with the implementation. The interface serves as a contract, guaranteeing that certain methods will be available.
經驗上,我們往往會遇到一些被設計用來解決相同需求(購物這個需求),但有各自實作方式(Paypal, Stripe …等支付方法)的情況,我們可以利用界面(interface),定義一個大家共同遵循的規範(我們都應該有購買這個行為),這個概念如同讓這些類別簽定了一個契約(Contract),以確保都將一定會實行哪些行為。如此,我們只要專注那些行為在流程上的安排,不管現在這個實行的對象為何都不致於讓流程出錯,甚致隨時可以將其取代成別的也簽定契約的類別。

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interface FileInterface { public function setName( $name = '' ); public function getName(); public function setDescription( $description = '' ); public function getDescription(); } interface DiskInterface { public function connect( ProtocolInterface $protocol ); public function save( FileInterface $file ); } interface ProtocolInterface { public function save( FileInterface $file ); } class UsbProtocol implements ProtocolInterface { public function save( FileInterface $file) { $file->setDescription( $file->getName(). ' was saved via usb protocol.'); } } class ThumderboltProtocol implements ProtocolInterface { public function save( FileInterface $file) { $file->setDescription( $file->getName(). ' was saved via thumderbolt protocol.'); } } class Disk implements DiskInterface { protected $protocol; public function connect( ProtocolInterface $protocol ) { $this->protocol = $protocol; } public function save( FileInterface $file ) { $this->protocol->save( $file ); } } class File implements FileInterface { protected $filename = 'undefined'; protected $ext = ''; protected $description = ''; public function __construct() { $this->filename = $this->filename.$this->ext; } public function setName( $name = '' ) { $this->filename = $name . $this->ext; } public function getName() { return $this->filename; } public function setDescription( $description = '' ) { $this->description = $description; } public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } } class DocFile extends File { protected $ext = '.docx'; } class ExcelFile extends File { protected $ext = '.xls'; } $disk = new Disk(); $disk->connect( new ThumderboltProtocol ); $file = new DocFile(); $disk->save( $file ); |
Interface Segregation Principle
Many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface.
In general, it’s preferable to create an interface and implement it many times over than create a general-purpose class which attempts to work in all situations.
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interface isFlyable() { public function fly(); } interface isWalkable() { public function walk(); } interface isSwimable() { public function swim(); } class Starck implements isWalkable { public function walk() {} } class Pigeon implements isFlyable, isWalkable { public function fly() {} public function walk() {} } class Jessie implements isWalkable, isSwimable { public function walk() {} public function swim() {} } |
Dependency Inversion Principle
One should depend upon abstractions rather than concrete classes.
You should define class dependencies as an interface rather than a concrete class. This allows you to switch an implementation of the interface out without having to change the class using the dependency.
This principle states that high-level code should not depend on low-level code, and that abstractions should not depend upon details.
以這個原則來說,最常見的情況,就是該怎麼設計如何切換資料來源的機制。資料的存取可能是在 MySQL, NoSQL, 甚至是 Memory,我們如何在不影響主程式太多的情況下改變來源?
class DbMysql { public function getAll( $target ) { ... } } class Me { public fuunction getAllUsersFromMySql() { $db = new DbMysql; return $db->getAll('user'); } } $me = new Me; $me->getAllUsersFromMySql(); |
我要去 MySQL 檔案庫「查詢使用者名單」。
MySQL 檔案庫為 來源地
, 而 查詢使用者名單
class DbMysql { public function getAll( $target ) { ... } } class Me { public fuunction getAllUsersFrom(DbMysql $db) { return $db->getAll('user'); } } $me = new Me; $me->getAllUsersFrom( new DbMysql ); |
雖然我把來源地區隔開來,但實際上如果我改去 NoSQL 檔案庫,那麼這個句子還是會出錯,因為我們明確指出我們要到 MySql 檔案庫,該用什麼句子來表達才不會有問題呢?
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interface RepositoryInterface { public getAll( $target ); } class MySqlRepository implements RepositoryInterface { public getAll( $target ) { ... } } class NoSqlRepository implements RepositoryInterface { public getAll( $target ) { ... } } class Me { public function getAllUsersFrom( RepositoryInterface $repository ) { return $repository->getAll('user'); } } $me = new Me; // MySql $me->getAllUsersFrom( new MySqlRepository ); // NoSql $me->getAllUsersFrom( new NoSqlRepository ); |
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interface UserInterface { public function all() {}; } class EloquentUserRepository implements UserInterface { public function all() { return User::all()->toArray(); } } class DbUserRepository implements UserInterface { public function all() { return DB::table('users')->get(); } } class MemoryUserRepository implements UserInterface { public function all() { return Mem::key('users')->getAll(); } } class BaseController { portected $users; } class Controller extends BaseController { public function __construct( UserInterface $users ) { $this->users = $users; } public function getUsers() { $this->users->all(); } } // get all users via Eloquent Model $controller = new Controller( new EloquentUserRepository ); // get all users via Database Query Builder $controller = new Controller( new DbUserRepository ); // get all users from memory $controller = new Controller( new MemoryUserRepository ); // in laravel, you can use App::bind for switching dependencies at runtime App::bind( 'UserInterface', function() { return new EloquentUserRepository( ... ); }); |
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interface PaymentInterface { public function checkout(); } interface PaymentPaypalInterface extends PaymentInterface {}; interface PaymentStripeInterface extends PaymentInterface {}; class PaymentController extends BaseController { protected $payment; } class PaypalPaymentController extends PaymentController { public function __construct( PaymentPaypalInterface $payment) { $this->payment = $payment; } } class StripPaymentController extends PaymentController { public function __construct( PaymentStripeInterface $payment) { $this->payment = $payment; } } class DynPaymentController extends PaymentController { public function __construct( PaymentInterface $payment ) { $this->payment = $payment; } } class PaypalPayment implements PaymentInterface { public $name = 'paypal'; public function checkout() { return 'paypal checkout'; } } class StripePayment implements PaymentInterface { public $name = 'stripe'; public function checkout() { return 'stripe checkout'; } } App::bind('PaypalRepository', 'PaypalPayment'); App::bind('StripeRepository', 'StripePayment'); App::bind('PaymentPaypalInterface', function() { // ... return new PaypalRepository(); }); App::bind('PaymentStripeInterface', function() { // ... return new StripeRepository(); }); App::bind('PaymentInterface', function() { $user = User::find(1); if( $user->payment == 'paypal' ) { return App::make('PaymentPaypalInterface'); }else{ return App::make('PaymentStripeInterface'); } }); |
<?php namespace Database; class Database { protected $adapter; public function __construct(AdapterInterface $adapter) { $this->adapter = $adapter; } } interface AdapterInterface {} class MysqlAdapter implements AdapterInterface {} |